
Submission of manuscripts

European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics seeks to publish original research papers that make a significant contribution to all fields of European studies, in particular European law, politics, economics as well as related fields like European history and sociology. Book reviews, notes and information’s are also accepted for publication. European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics is committed to support the growth of new generation of researchers and scholars in all fields of European studies and therefore journal contents the section devoted to the young researchers’ papers.

  •  No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing or publishing of the papers.
  • Authors are encouraged to submit their articles electronically – via email at editors address: .
  • Manuscripts should not extend recommended extent of:
    • 15 – 25 pages (27,000 – 45,000 characters, including spaces) for articles and young researchers papers
    • 2 – 10 pages (3,600 – 18,000 characters, including spaces) for book reviews, notes and information’s.


  • Manuscripts should be written in English and must include: title, names, e-mail addresses and affiliations of all authors, abstract (100 – 150 words), keywords (5 – 10), introduction, main text, conclusions and list of references in alphabetical order. The preferred format is MS Word (.doc and .docx documents). Text of papers should be properly divided into separate paragraphs; each paragraph starting in a new line. For quotations and notes please, use the automatic function – Insert / Footnote. All notes should be numbered automatically.
  • For footnotes, references and quotations style see journals´ Style Sheet.


Forthcoming volume | Volume 5 (2018):

  • deadline for submissions of works: 31st August 2018
  • review procedure and editing processes: September/November 2018
  • foreseen date of publication: December 2018

Required form of the paper (SAMPLE)

Title of Paper

Name of the Author(s)

Keywords (English, maximum 10words)


Summary (English, maximum 150 words)


Text of paper (introduction, main text, conclusions and list of references in alphabetical order; divided into separate paragraphs; each paragraph starting in a new line. For footnotes, please, use the automatic function – Insert / Footnote. All notes should be numbered automatically. Quote according to the journals´Style Sheet)

Tables and figures should have short, descriptive titles. All footnotes to tables and their source(s) should be typed below the tables. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. Graphs and diagrams (illustrations) must be in a form suitable for reproduction without retouching.

Name of autor(s) + academic titles

Home institution/affiliation


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